The “Objective Structured Clinical Exam (OSCE)” for the IKU Department of Nursing first-year students, is taken on April 28, 2022, Monday, between 09.00-17.30. The preparations made for the exams which are exercised on the models or volunteer individuals in the laboratory environment in order to prepare the students to the clinics, which is carried within the scope of the course titled “Fundamentals of Nursing”, were more than six months. Dr. Lecturer Tuba Şengül from Koç University Faculty of Nursing, who shared her experiences with our academics, lectured the students in order to inform them about the exam and to soften their concerns. Prof. Dr. Asiye Gül, Assist. Prof. Sevda Türen, Assist. Prof. Mukaddes Turan Miral, Res. Assist. Rahime Atakoğlu Yılmaz and Res. Assist. Cennet Kara Özçalık, attended the exam, within the responsibility of Assist. Prof. Meral Madenoğlu Kıvanç. Assoc. Prof. Nuran Gençtürk from İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Health Sciences, Assist. Prof. Gülbahar Keskin and Lecturer Ayşenur Turan from Haliç University Faculty of Health Sciences, Lecturer Tuba Çatak Tanyel from İstanbul Gedik University Faculty of Health Sciences are invited to the exam as observers.
The OSCE Exam carried within the scope of BAP Project, has given an unforgettable experience to our academics and students.