Assist. Prof. Dr. Mukaddes Turan Miral from Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing gave a seminar on "Adolescent Health" at Sakarya Pamukova 75. Yıl Primary School as part of "TÜBİTAK Science Talks". The seminar, which was held on Monday, May 16, was attended by Pamukova District Director of National Education Aziz Demir, adolescent 4th grade students and teachers. In the seminar attended by approximately one hundred students, an educational talk was given in line with scientific studies on adolescence and the different factors that effect it. At the end of the event, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mukaddes Turan Miral was presented a plaque by Mehmet Kabasakal, the Director of 75. Yıl Primary School, and a certificate of appreciation by Aziz Demir, the District Director of National Education.